The Most Successful Analysts on the Planet

Jeff Siegel

Posted November 8, 2016

Later this evening, we’ll have a new president.

I can’t wait to find out who it is.

Not because I’m particularly fond of either candidate, though.

Quite frankly, I have little confidence in a fear peddler or a career politician hustler taking on the role of Commander in Chief.

Neither is particularly suited for this position — unless, of course, you think the Bill of Rights is “optional” and acting as the world’s law enforcement bully is an effective foreign policy strategy.

But I’m not here to talk about politics today. I’m here to talk about wealth creation and preservation.

I’m here to talk about why you’re the real winner today, not a donkey or an elephant.

The Best Investment Strategy

There have been a lot of predictions on how the market will react to the results of the election.

We’ve been told that if Trump wins, world markets will react negatively.

We’ve also been told that if Clinton wins, world markets will rally.

But it’s not that simple.

As investors, we can’t rely solely on the outcome of this election to dictate our investment decisions over the long term.

Having an effective strategy — with plenty of options, contingency plans, and diversification — is how you build and protect wealth… not trying to chase a handful of stocks you think should rally based on which despicable politician wins the election.

This, dear reader, is why you read Wealth Daily.

While none of us here are opposed to being opinionated loudmouths, our end result is always the same: to help you make money.

Crushing It!

If you’re a regular reader of these pages, you know my area of expertise is socially responsible investing: focusing primarily on renewable energy, organic agriculture, and legal cannabis.

Over the years, regardless of who’s been squatting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I’ve been able to help folks build small fortunes by taking full advantage of the types of investment opportunities few investors know about.

I’m talking about everything from under-the-radar cannabis companies, like THC Biomed (CSE: THC), for instance…


To private deals I uncover exclusively for members of my Green Chip Stocks investment community.

But like all smart investors, I don’t rely solely on my analysis to build wealth. I rely on the spot-on analysis of my colleagues, too.

Take our resident tech expert, Jason Stutman.

I’ve made a boatload of cash by doing little more than following his advice.

He told me to buy Adept Technology. Here’s how that turned out…


He told me to buy Foundation Medicine. Here’s how that turned out…


He told me to buy Prana Biotechnology. Here’s how that turned out…


Make no mistake; when it comes to tech investing, no one’s got a better track record than Jason. And I sure as hell can’t wait to make even more money from his next pick, which you can read about here.

Gains in Excess of 7,000%

I’ve also enjoyed steady wealth creation by investing in a series of incredibly profitable dividend plays recommended to me by my colleague Brit Ryle.

While some folks may not find dividend stocks particularly exciting, that doesn’t mean they’re not profitable. In fact, Brit is the only guy I know who can boast a 7,329% gain, an 894.05% gain, and a 953.98% gain — all from dividend stocks. You can read more about Brit’s dividend strategy here.

And last, but certainly not least, consider the track record of Alex Koyfman.

I’ve known Alex for years, and while he and I may not always agree on everything, we do agree that sometimes, some of the best investments are those that other analysts are either trashing or just ignoring altogether.

Most of Alex’s recommendations are for stocks that few people even know exist. But with the money he’s made me, it just make those profits even sweeter.

Check out some of these winners…




So what’s Alex’s next pick?

You can read about that one here.

My point today is simple…

Even if your guy or gal doesn’t win tonight, don’t get caught up in the vitriol and hyperbole of what’s certain to bombard us from every angle tomorrow. Because, dear reader, none of that stuff is going to help you build your fortune.

You read Wealth Daily because you know that in order to live the American Dream, financial independence is paramount. Neither Trump nor Clinton can guide you on that path to financial independence. But Wealth Daily can.

We’ve been doing it for more than a decade, and our track records speak for themselves.

So while the masses take to the pages of Facebook and Twitter to cheer or jeer, rest assured, we’ll continue doing what we do best: helping you make a ton of money.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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